Assessment Lean Six Sigma eligibility quiz Malaysia's No. 1 Lean Six Sigma Online Training & Certification Provider BECOME SIX SIGMA CERTIFIED Wondering which Lean Six Sigma Course suits you best? Try our free Eligibility Quiz to find out!! Enter email to receive results: Question 1 of 10 1. What is the duration of your work experience? a) Pertaining to your current field:0 – 2 Years3- 5 Years> 5 YearsQuestion 1 of 10Question 2 of 10 1. What is the duration of your work experience? b) In cross-functional, managerial or supervisory role:0 – 2 Years3- 5 Years> 5 YearsQuestion 2 of 10Question 3 of 10 2. If this is not your first organization, were you involved in the same role you are currently? a) If ‘YES’, for how long?0 – 2 Years3- 5 Years> 5 YearsThis is my first OrganizationQuestion 3 of 10Question 4 of 10 2. If this is your first organization, what role/designation were you engaged in? (If this is not your first organization. You can skip this question) Question 4 of 10Question 5 of 10 3. What is your current designation?Non-ExecutiveExecutiveAssistant ManagerManagerSenior Manager‘C’ Level (CEO, COO, CFO)DirectorQuestion 5 of 10Question 6 of 10 4. Education background:DiplomaAdvanced DiplomaBachelor’s DegreeMaster’s DegreeOther Professional AccreditationPhDQuestion 6 of 10Question 7 of 10 5. How new are you to the continuous improvement field?Very NewI have moderate experience (i.e been part of projects)I have led some projects before this but not on Lean/Six Sigma or Lean Six SigmaI have led some projects before this on Lean/Six Sigma or Lean Six SigmaQuestion 7 of 10Question 8 of 10 6. How do you identify/manage problems in your workplace?When complaint comes from customersWhen complaint comes from head of departmentsWhen complaint comes from fellow employeesTo execute a business plan/strategy of the departments/organizationI look for gaps to do projects within departmentsI look for gaps to do projects between departmentsQuestion 8 of 10Question 9 of 10 7. What is the greatest level of analytical experience/skills you are very familiar with and commonly use?Graphical Analysis (i.e, line charts, pie charts, bar graph etc)Observational Analysis (Gemba walk, focus group discussion, experimental analysis etc)Basic Math Analysis (i.e, mean, median, range etc.)Statistical AnalysisAdvance Analysis Method (Design on Experiments, Taguchi, Regression etc)Question 9 of 10Question 10 of 10 8. To what extent are you accessible to business plans/strategic objective of the organization?I have not much access to business plans/strategic objectivesI have moderate access to business plans/strategic objectivesI have complete access to business plans/strategic objectivesI am involved in the formulation of the business plans/strategic objectivesQuestion 10 of 10 Loading… Hurry Up! Contact Us today And get your free first Six Sigma consultation Book Your Consultation